Are you looking for debt payoff printables so that you can pay off your debt?
We’ve created and discussed five debt payoff printables and worksheets below.
- Top 5 Tips for Paying Off Debt Printable
- Debt Worksheet in Finance Organization Kit
- Debt Payoff Plan and Tracker
- Credit Card Debt Payoff Plan and Tracker
- Debt Payoff Master Plan and Tracker
All of these worksheets are available in our free resource library, which you can sign up for at the bottom of this post!
Keep reading to learn how these debt payoff printables can help you pay off your debt and become debt-free.
Top 5 Tips for Paying Off Debt Printable
Paying off debt is difficult. Hell, just trying to figure out where you’ll get the extra money can be hard!
But, then there are all of the little intricacies of debt. Like what debt should you pay off first?
How can you pay off debt as early as possible?
Check out our 5 best tips for paying off debt fast! This printable provides some of the best tips to help you pay off your debt as fast as possible.
You can access the top 5 tips for paying off debt in our resource library.
Debt Organization Worksheet in Finance Organization Kit
If you have a lot of different loans or credit card balances (or both), it can be tough just knowing where to start with your debt situation.
The Debt Organization Worksheet in our Finance Organization Kit is a great resource to put all of the important details of your debt in one place.
Once you’ve completed the worksheet, it will be easy to decide what debt to pay off first.
You’ll also know stuff like how much you’re spending on monthly minimum payments.
It’s a great worksheet to simply get the full picture of your debt situation.
Individual Debt Payoff Plan and Tracker
Once you know the basics of paying off debt, tips on how to pay it off as fast as possible and have all of your debt information in one place, it’s time to create a plan for paying off that debt.
The debt payoff plan and tracker is a downloadable PDF in our resource library that allows you to create a plan for each of your individual debts.
You can easily plug in all of the information, do a tiny bit of math and you’ll have your plan for paying off your debt.
You’ll know the exact date of when you are supposed to pay off your debt.
Even better, you can print a blank copy for each of your debts to track and compare with your pay off plans.
Individual Credit Card Debt Payoff Plan and Tracker
For loans, like a mortgage or student loans, you borrow the money and then pay it back plus interest.
However, credit card debt is different. You are continuously borrowing money (putting it on the card) and you might not even have to pay interest.
As long as you pay off the balance in full every month, you don’t pay any interest.
Some people say that you should just cut up your credit cards. We think that credit cards are great if you are able to pay off the balance every month.
But, if you had some overspending habits in the past you are likely dealing with a balance you didn’t pay off.
The way credit cards work can make paying off debt planning more difficult.
You have to account for last month’s ending balance and the money you’ve spent using the card this month too.
We’ve done just that with our individual credit card debt payoff plan and tracker.
This debt payoff printable is specifically designed to create a plan for paying off your credit cards.
Debt Payoff Master Plan and Tracker
With the two prior debt worksheets, you’ll have a plan and trackers for each of your individual loans, credit card balances, and other debts.
But, it’s also nice to have the big picture to plan how you’ll pay off all of your debts.
The debt payoff master plan and tracker can be done before (hardest), after, or while (easiest) you’re going through your individual debt worksheets.
With the debt payoff master plan and tracker you’ll be able to see the following information:
- Where your money is going for each of your debts
- How much you’re paying in total for debt every month
- How much you’re paying in total for interest
- When you’ll pay off specific debts
- The date when you’ll make your last debt payment
So much good information to keep you focused on paying off debt and achieving debt freedom.
Final Thoughts
Paying off debt is tough and not a fun process. We know because we’ve paid off over $100K in one year…it hurts, and we know just how you feel.
The faster you want to pay off debt, the more sacrifice you have to make.
We hope these printables will help you plan out how you’re going to pay off your debt and then actually do it.
If you’re looking for more information, check out a few of our other posts on paying off debt:
- How to Get Out of Debt | 5 Steps to Pay Off Debt
- How to Decide What Debt to Pay Off First
- Should You Pay Off Debt or Invest Your Extra Money

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